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The Checklist

Hi, my name is Chas and I LOVE lists. I make a list for everything. The idea of drawing a line through a task gives me supreme satisfaction. It’s very easy for me to check off “pick up avocados” or “make dentist appointment” but, you know what’s not so friggin easy? Checking off “forgive that person” or “budget accordingly.” I’ve never made a visible list for things that would feed my soul. Sure, I’ve written them down on a piece of paper and then stuck that piece of paper in my Bible as some sort of "good girl bookmark.” I’ve even thrown them into prayers, but I’ve never written them down and placed them on my refrigerator or my whiteboard as a daily reminder that these things are important and they too, can be checked off one day. Could it be that it takes more effort to clean up a messy soul than to pick up avocados at your local grocery store? Could I be avoiding the hard part because the hard part is…hmm.. HARD? So, I decided that I would share my list of things I’m believing God will do BUT of course I gotta do the work too. Right? Faith without works is… blah..blah…blah.. Here’s my list.

  • Don’t over exercise. You come from a long line of over indulgers. Yes, working out is healthy but take breaks. Don’t let it become an addiction.

  • Don’t be afraid to travel. You are an African woman who has never been to Africa. Go! And GO WITH YOUR DAD! See life through his lens. He is the most kind and the most loving. Go touch grass in his hometown.

  • Don’t feel the need to clear to air. The air was polluted anyways, and your narrative is correct. Be confident in that!! Don’t question your discernment because that’s like drawing your sword against the Holy Spirit. Girrrlll.. NO!!!

  • Times up on being a victim. The time is now to be a VICTOR.

  • Get rid of the CNN notifications on your phone. How did they even get there anyways?? You loathe the news. What you need to know, you will know.

  • Speak up when people share things you don’t want to hear. It's not being mean to them, its being kind to yourself.

  • Raise your hand more. At work. At church. Everywhere really. You are not introvert, girl. No one believes that. Not even you!

  • While we are on the subject of speaking up. Get in habit of saying “no’ to having a drink at social events. The next day you feel awful but most of all you feel guilt. Drinking aint for everybody. Do you!

  • Forgive that person. Even as their story grows more outlandish about you. They have bigger fish to fry. You are a sardine in that ocean. They got some whales to tend to. Extend your fin when the time is right. God will be pleased.

  • Buy a real coat. A North Face one. The one from Asos is an illusion. Be prepared for inclemate weather in every area. You know what I mean.

  • Omg, your computer is touchscreen!! How did you not know this? Start reading the instruction manual for your electronics. You pay way too much money for things, and you only partake in 20 percent of their functionality. That is laziness. Pick up your mat!!

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