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Hmm. That's Odd

I have had the same best friend for over 50,000 years. We met in middle school (ayyyye big up's to Trickum Middle). We realized that we just had to be friends while sitting in language arts class. A joke was made and 30 minutes later we locked eyes and realized we were the only two people still laughing. Two big ol' clowns at the same circus! I have never felt so seen.

One thing I can say about her is although we are super grown now, she has ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS been able to peace herself out of weird situations. Even when we were kids she had a crazy amount of discernment. It wasn't like we knew what discernement was as teenagers but homegirl had it and she ain't even know it! When people would do things that didn't sit well with her spirit she would always say "hmm. that's odd" and next thing you know, she would erase that person out of her life. No argument, no confrontation just POOF.. that was off putting and I cant stick around to see what's next! It got to A point where I would try to save people before she took out her metaphorical BIC eraser. She would squint her eyes, tilt her head to the left and say "hmmm" and there I would be standing on the sideline screaming "wait, wait give them a chance" but before I could plead their case she would utter the final words.."Thats odd" and that was that. Another one bites the dust.

As i've gotten older I realize just how much her "Hmm that's odd" has not only been hilarious but she always on point with it. It doesn't come with a heavy amount of explaining or indecision. She doesn't dissect people's behavior or even try to make them see where they lack accountability. It's literally like.. once you get odd, you've just gotta get out. I've always admired that quality. It's admirable because she will give you the skin off her back if you're cold but once you get ODD, the only thing she's giving you is a white sheet with two cut-out eyes because she's officially fixed it.. you're a ghost now. You now identify as Casper and she will gracefully walk you to your final destination called "not 'round me no mo."

The concept was once extremely foreign to me. I remember thinking how does she do it? What course did she take in cutting people off and out? Are they offering night courses because during the day I'm busy? I later realized that it was a boldness she had in knowing what added to and what subtracted from her daily peace. It came to her naturally, whereas I reeeeaaally had to work at it. But hunnnay,

I put in my 10,000 hours. Ya girl is a pro now. Snip, snip without blinking. You feel me?

In all seriousness, I think it's vital to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em and that's with anything, anyone, anytime and anywhere. There is too much joy out here and hanging on to unnecessary or even negative "stuff" is beyond unfair to you. So take a look around. What's "odd?" maybe you need to hmmmmmmm...




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